Orly Cutique Cuticle Remover and Orly Polish Remover
Orly Cutique cuticle remover is a great product IF we don't use it quite as it's name suggests. Orly Cutique is an enzyme which gently softens cuticle residue for cuticle prep. But we need to learn to use it safely! Orly Polish Remover is a professional grade polish remover. It quickly and easily slips off any polish that clients may come in with. It's also a great product to use near the end of your professional nail service. Keep extra on hand as clients who use nail polish will want to stock up through you. Watch and read on for tips and insights on both these great products.
Orly Cutique Cuticle Remover and The Industry Standard for Cuticle Prep
The industry standard for cuticle prep is to push back the cuticles and even cut or remove them!? I strongly advise against these methods!! I invite you to check out my blog post below to find out what you can learn from my experience. I started getting gel nails in 1994. As a client, I can tell you these methods damaged my cuticles. As a Senior Instructor and creator of Nail Innovationz, I can tell you how I reversed the damage. In the video above and blog below, I will share our safe, innovative way to do cuticle prep!
What is the best way to do cuticle prep?
What else can I do to heal my cuticles?
We recommend a few other essential products for cuticle home care. These include a good Cuticle Oil like any of Nail Innovationz cuticle oils. As well as a our Thymol Antiseptic for hangnails or other cuticle damage and injuries. Thymol is not just a home care product though. It's essential every nail tech has Thymol at their desks, too!
But don't just take our word for it! Other experts agree.
Orly Polish Remover
Stay tuned for updates on why we love Orly Polish Remover better than all the rest!
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