Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team!

From the front linez to all the behind the scenez work, Ni is comprized of an ever growing, diverse, talent pool of genuinely good people.  We love what we do & we love working with you to make the experence you offer at your desk a memorable one for your clients.

Behind the Scenez

Riva Low  - Nerd who Buyz Ni Nail Suppliez for the rest of us Nailnerdz

Lana Bohnet - Nerdy Financier

Avry Bablitz - Catalyzt of Tranzformation

Senior Instructor Team - Avry Bablitz, Kim Carey

Advanced Classez Instructor Team - Avry Bablitz, Vicky

Product Innovation Team - All Ni Instructorz

Social Relationz -  Veronica Avitan

Website  - Veronica Avitan  & O.W.M. Consulting

Production & Packaging - Colin Bablitz

Why Nail Innovationz?

  • Strict High Standardz

    Nail Innovationz strict adherence to strict standards, high-quality products and the latest in nail-technician technology makes us stand out from any other supplier of products and technicians in the industry.

  • Quality Customer Servicez

    When you choose a Nail Innovationz certified tech, you are guaranteeing yourself outstanding service, unparalleled quality and reliable results you can be proud of.

  • Certified & Experienced

    Our educators offer years of experience, coupled with friendly, approachable teaching styles that will help you get your business up and running quickly, while maintaining your technique for years to come.

Our Team Gallery