Are you looking for more info?

Can't find the answers your looking for?

Please Contact us and we will be more than happy to answer any of your questionz

Can I buy Ni at a local distribution center?

To ensure a superior tech support experience, the Ni product line is available exclusively through Nail Innovationz. Our staff includes qualified nail technicianz that use the Ni line daily and are ready to assist you in troublshooting & answering your product knowledge questionz.

How long will it take for me to get my order?

Upon receipt of a paid order, the processing time is 1-2 business days.   After that allow for average shipping times.  While some orders may show up as quickly as next day, (we try to be speedy that way), anticipate that it could take a full 7-10 business days to receive your order.  Order before you run out to avoid last minute panic!  🙂

* Several days can pass between delivery scans and expected delivery dates are subject to change at the carrier level.

Do you ship outside of Canada?


We ship outside of Canada, with the exception of a few products.  If you are interested in something specific please contact us and we will be more than happy to help you and provide you with a shipping quote.

Do Ni Base Line Gels ever go on sale?

Yes!  Ni Gelz are available at sale prices everyday with Black Diamond Pricing!!

How do your shipping rates work?

To keep individual product costs down, Nail Innovationz takes a Mutually Beneficial approach to our shipping costs.  Our shipping rates are calculated  based on 50% of the current market shipping rate.  In this way we aim to help Ni techs to grow & prosper by covering 50% of associated shipping costs.  One of the wayz "Ni Payz Half" in support of our techs.