We've re-innovated the Ni gel line!
Paks come in two sizez:
The Next Generation 25 - 25g Gelz
The Next Generation 50 - 50g Gelz
Paks include:
Infatuazion Formazion Tranzition Sheer Brillianze
Dehydrazion Conneczion Adhezion
Pink Foundazion Eclipze
Nude Extenzion Crizp White Fazt White
Ni Shimz Ni Formz
Shiny Shade Ni Addictionz/Obsessionz
Ni Brush Dehydrazion Ni Brush Speed Sculptor
Plastic Pump Wipez Smile Tile 1L Cleanzer
5 week online gel system update course... take it anytime, anywhere - at your own pace!
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