Lesson Tag: Biz Classez

10 Tips to Earn a Raise in the Next 3 Months!

Are you anxious because you need to make more money in less time? Do you feel under-valued & under-paid? Are you feeling at a loss for how you can take your business to the next level or grow your business to make more money? Are you pondering the best time to give yourself a raise? Are you worried that if you raise your prices you might lose clients?! If your mind is nodding yes to any of these questions, come right this way! Earning a raise might be easier than you think! Learn 10 Tips to give your biz a mini overhaul and your bank account a boost! Increase your hourly income & learn how to make more money in less time!

Draw Clients Past the Other 30 Techs to You

Are you feeling pressure to compete & get noticed? Are you frustrated with not being able to get enough clients? Or rather, are you frustrated with not being able to get enough of "the right" clients? Do you feel like you've lost the love you had at first for nailz? Do you feel unfulfilled or like something is missing in your nail life, but you just can't put a finger on it? Do you find yourself asking what you want to be when you grow up? If any of this is sounding familiar, you won't want to miss this class! Get ready to add the sparkle back into your business! Let's find your spark of inner inspiration & light up the way for clients to find their perfect match with you!

Shape Tranzformationz

Typically nailz sculpted onto forms are flared out, wide & flat. Have you tried all kinds of time consuming methods to pinch gel and create curve? Are you looking for some toolz & skillz that will help you easily achieve these things? Then you will definitely want to sign up for this class! Create super strong sculpted nail extensions that have lots of curve, are naturally tapered, & narrow! We even share in this class how to completely tranzform the shape of your clients nail bed within 3 months!
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New to Ni – Module 1

© 2016 Nail Innovationz All Rights Reserved Description to be added soon... If more than one New to Ni module has been watched per week the online class police will be contacting you. LOL ;) But fur realz.
master sculpting secrets

Master Sculpting Secrets

Master Sculpting for less than the cost of a new set of nailz! © 2016 Nail Innovationz All Rights Reserved

Miracle Bonding System

© 2016 Nail Innovationz All Rights Reserved

The Formula to Raising & Setting Your Pricez

Not sure what to charge? Not sure if or when to raise your prices? Feel like your working for free? Unsure if you are giving too much away? Afraid if your prices are too low or too high they will scare clients away? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, this class is for you! Find out practical strategies to establishing effective pricing that can help you grow your business. Finally get paid what you are worth and be confident in your pricing!