Nail Innovationz - Chelsea Hille
A single mom of two, working her buttski off doesn't get a lot of girly one day my mom decided to buy me a gift....a set of nailz! I felt like a princess! A girl! I laid awake at 2 am oogling my nailz in the moonlight....pondering what I could do to make a better life for my babiez. A life where mom didn't have to hold down 2 waitressing jobz to supply them with their needz. A life where mom could be there at bedtime.
The next day when one of my very pretty but very weak nails sprung off, I almost broke down! How could this happen?! Already?? I wanted that pretty feeling to last! There had to be better nailz out there....right?
Here in began my search for quality nail enhancements. I started googling.....I started asking questionz when I saw ladiez with nailz....where did you get them? What product was used on you? After a few amazing thingz lined up....and I mean amazing(ask me and I'll tell you...too much to write!).....I was on my way to becoming a Nail Technician! Little did I realize the journey ahead and where it would take me!
In an effort to make a very long story short I will tell you that I have had the honor of running a successful business for a decade....I have met women I call family at my nail desk. I have an amazing support team at Nail Innovationz and the best gel to work with....that my clients and I trust implicitly. I have recently moved my entire family to Nail Innovationz Head Office to be able to contribute more to the NI family. Being here at the hub of all the excitement and product development has made my passion for nailz and teaching grow even more!
I love nothing more than giving people the gift I have been given: freedom to chose your own hourz, travel, the ability to make women feel beautiful, and to put food in my babiez mouthz....who are definitely not babiez anymore 😉 I can't see a time...ever...that my joy for this industry will dull. It is my passion, my dream, and I will always be grateful for that bad set of nails I received so many years ago that showed me the way.