Skill Builder


Preliminary Skill Builder
Thinking about becoming a professional nail tech?  Not sure if it’s for you or how much you should invest in doing nailz?  Before you invest hundreds or thousands of dollars in a nail course, this is your chance to “try before you buy” and increase your odds of succeeding by 80%!  We’ll show you and coach you on mastering the basic skills needed to succeed as a nail tech.  If after practicing you realize this might not be your thing, or might not be the right time in your life, then you can easily back out, no further commitments required.   Or if thru this experience you learn you are a born nailnerd, then you’ll build your speed skills needed to enter this market ready to succeed and have a strong foundation to make a confident, educated decision about which start up program is right for you!

See below to get started!

SKU: NiOLC:OLCSB Category:


To Get Started:

  1. Click "Apply" in the top right corner of this page.
  2. Fill  in the data fields.
  3. Under "how did you hear about us?"  Give us the primary name of the person who told you about Ni and add that you are applying for the Skill Builder!
  4. Click Submit
  5. it will ask you to submit your proof of certification - you do not need to complete this step or you can upload your best selfie 😉
  6. Contact us by email or text 780-394-4390 to let us know you have applied so we can go in and approve you right away!

Don't forget to Mark As Complete once you have finished each lesson. By clicking on Complete you will not lose your ability to re-watch the class and will maintain full access to your classez!

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