Why Choose the NI Nail Course

At Nail Innovationz we have achieved an 80% retention rate for the techs we train.  That means that 8 out of 10 techs that take the Ni Intro course will still be actively doing nailz within 3-5 years of starting their course.  For those who train with Ni & for those techs who train elsewhere & re-train with Ni, they are able to reach their goals for full-time or part-time client bases within 6-12 months.  Many graduate with Ni already having achieved their client base goals.  This is an achievement we are extremely proud of & determined to increase further despite the industries staggering 95% failure rate, or only 5 out of 100 that train in the industry & are still servicing part-time to full-time clients bases after 2 years.


Here is what we have learned to date that contributes to the success of the techs who train with us:

Mentor-ship & Coaching -  We list this first, which is a bit out of order, but this is one of the most important assets you will gain by training with Nail Innovaitonz.  Access to your instructor is not limited to in-class time.  One of the toughest parts of learning to do nailz will be growing your client base.  A large portion of learning can happen between classes.  Troubleshooting real-life client problems & establishing repeat client bizness does not happen during class time.  Trying to get clients typically happens after one completes a nail course & no longer has support.  With the Ni program you will have the support you need to grow an established clientele by the time you are certified.  We encourage our Intro Associates to text us before, during & after photos of their nailz so that we can coach you both in & out of class.  This support is available from the Skill Builder throughout the rest of your career as a Nail Innovationz tech.

Work at Your Own Pace -As all Ni Instructorz are contractors for Ni, and Intro Coursez are all taught one-on-one, you get to work at a pace that works for you, not a pace pre-determined by or confined to school hours.   

Try Before you Buy - At Ni we believe in good investments & reducing risk is part of ensuring a good investment.  Doing nailz isn't always what people expect it will be & we can appreciate that.  We have learned roughly 1/2 the people that take the skill builder decide it may not be the right choice for them, or maybe just not the right choice right now.  We want you to be able to make the best decision for you.  We believe before you invest hundreds of dollars & hours in a nail course that you should be able to test it out first.  The Ni Skill Builder affords you that opportunity thru a hands-on chance to try practicing nailz on a small scale.  If you decide it's not your thing, that's ok!   And if you learn that you really, really love nailz then you move on to the next step!!

A Head Start - We understand that everyone learns at a different rate & has different amounts of time they can commit to practicing.  In the Ni Skill Builder you will spend an hour or so with an instructor  learning foundation application techniques that will be used throughout your nail career.  Whether the Skill Builder takes 2 weeks or 2 months depends on how much time you can devote to practicing.  This practice will set you ahead of the competition by building your speed & skill prior to starting to your course & enable you to be performing nail services on paying clients.

A Bizness Plan - whether you intend to be working in a salon or for yourself, you will need to be thinking of how you will be building & retaining your client base.  The ultimate goal is to establish strong relationships with a loyal following of repeat clientele.  The foundation to marketing yourself as an "in demand", industry professional is also covered within the Ni Skill Builder.

One on One Training - You won't get lost in the crowd & left behind when learning hands on techniques!  At Ni we are living the difference that one on one training makes with our 80% success rate.  Thru concentrated, individualized instruction you get the attention & help you need, delivered in a way & at a pace dictated by you, not the class around you.

The Best Instructorz in the Industry - We believe for someone to mentor others to become successful at something, that they must be walking that path successfully themselves.  All Ni Instructorz have gone thru extensive training & screening to ensure their proven ability as successful nail techs & mentors.  You will be learning how to make a living or secure a position as a nail tech from another tech who is currently doing so herself.  Who better to ask questions from than your coach who is a successful, fellow nail tech herself!

Hands On Course - Just as it takes putting on skates & stepping on the ice to learn to skate, we need to be doing nailz in order to learn how to do them.   So the main focus of our in class time together is devoted to hands on learning & practice rather than reading manuals in a classroom setting.  While we are always available in or out of class for any questions you may have related to the content of your manual, we invest the valuable time we have together doing nailz instead of reading about it.  we trust you will read you manual from the comfort of your couch 🙂

Start Doing Nailz Right Away! - We won't be reading about doing nailz for 3 months before you start doing nailz.  As you will have already practiced & established the foundation skillz of applying nailz in your Skill Builder, you will be ready to start putting those steps together in a set of nailz.  Your first day of class will include applying nailz on one hand of your live person / nail model.  We recommend doing their other hand later that same day or the next day.  Besides your in class models, we teach you how to establish your intro nail pricing & marketing so that you are doing nailz & making a return on your investment immediately.

Includes The Toolz of the Trade - Reach your full potential faster!  Successful nail techs can't succeed with student equipment, so we don't train you with student equipment that holds you back.  All our Intro Packages Include the toolz we would need to deliver the most efficient, effective, long lasting & beautiful set of nailz.  Nailz you can be proud to put your name on that will bring you repeat bizness.

The Most Advanced Training - Many courses offer sculpting gel techniques & electric filing as advanced classes to be purchased and taken separately later.  The most successful techs are using these skills.  Your Ni Skill Builder includes the nail sculpting training as an industry preliminary skill, not an advanced skill.  Machine filing starts in Day 1 of your Intro Course so you can be successful faster, with no hidden costs to getting there.

Start Growing Your Client Base Right Away -   As you will already be practiced from your Skill Builder, have figured out how to market yourself to find & get clients, & have learned how to put those steps together in Day 1, your course practicum includes actual sets of nailz on your growing clientele.

Real Life Training & Experience - Your clientele will be made up of people with real livez & jobz.  So the hands you practice on & learn how to keep problem free nailz on for a month will be real live people.  Practice hands don't go home & clean house or work in the garden.  People do.  So we believe your best learning opportunity is on real people, during your course so you have the guidance & tech support from your instructor while your are becoming a successful tech in the real world.

No hidden Costs - Your complete Intro course & professional supply & tool costs are part of your course start up.  You won't be needing to invest another $500 here or $1000 there 6 months from now to get the tools you need to reach a professional level.  Having already determined that nailz is a good choice for you in the Skill Builder, you can confidently invest in your training & tools right from the start which ensures Ni techs are working as techs in the industry immediately.

Strong Network - At Ni we believe we will go farther together than any one of us can on our own.  We are a family network of techs & instructorz who help each other learn & grow our client bases by supporting one another, helping each other out, & sharing info.

Optional Testing - By advancing our education, knowledge, & skills as educators; we understand that not every person learns or retrieves information in the same way.   For those who prefer, the theory exam can be completed orally or written.

Includes an Advanced Continual Education Class - At Nail Innovationz we are always learning & innovating new products & techniques to help nail techs be better, faster.  We believe there is no end to learning & to be among the top nail techs in the world, we need to best Intro Education followed up by the best Continual Education to keep us cutting edge.  We believe so strongly in Continuing Education that your first Class is on us!   6-12 months after you complete your Intro Certification you will attend a Brush Up Class.  It is at this level, once techs are already able to work independently on their own as nail techs that we switch to a classroom format where professional techs can come together & learn with each other & from each other.

The Course Overview is as Followz:

  1. Our Preliminary Skill Builder Course ensures you have the technical and business skills you will need to build a profitable client base, before you commit to the next phase of the course.  $199  approx 40hrs
  2. Our Getting Your Biz Started Module has step by step practical directions to turn your new biz idea into a reality. approx 10hrs
  3. Technical Development - one on one, hands on training in new nails and fills, tailored to your individual goals and learning needs. approx 20hrs
  4. Mentor-ship - put your technical and business skills to work in your new venture with guided assistance from your instructor. approx 120hrs
  5. Evaluation & Certification - evaluating if there is anything else we can do to ensure you have the skills you need to be a successful tech. approx 4hrs
  6. Continuing Education - 6-12 months after certification, refresh your training in product knowledge and technical skills with other industry professionals. 6hrs

Upon completion of this initial Intro Nail Program of approx 200 hours of technical and business training, we have new continuing education classes every year to assist Professional Nail Techs in maintaining their competitive edge throughout their career.

We regularly modify our Intro Course to adapt to our ever more competitive industry, ensuring our associates the highest success rate for new businesses.

Give us a call today to discuss this exciting option for yourself:
By phone: 877-969-4666