Gold Nail Course Outline

Gold Course Info

*Available in a One-on-One or Online Nail Course format*
180 hours over the course of approximately 9 months

Start your nail career off with the training & equipment necessary to succeed in today's competitive market.  Investing in your education & equipment is the most valuable investment you can make towards the success of your nail career.


Nail Innovationz Programz are taught One-on-One to address the needs of each individual Program Associate. Through this format Nail Innovationz boasts an 80% long-term nail tech graduate profitability success rate, over the industry graduate profitability success rate of 5%. This is due to our comprehensive introductory programs and one-on-one training sessions which include advanced skills training and ongoing coaching essential to long-term success.

Through our Online &/or One-on-One mentor-ship program, your program will include (but is not limited to)

  • Ni'z Perfect Start - prior to taking the hands on part of your nail course, there are some important steps to take to get you & your nail biz ready for a Perfect Start! The Setting Up Shop Module will take you through getting ready for your first day of bizness, step by step!
Course Basics:

Essential Infection Prevention
Marketing Your New Venture
Attracting New Clients
Creating Repeat Clients
Pricing Strategies
Client Consultations
Chemistry Basics for the perfect bond on every client
Recognizing Disorders and Diseases of the Nail
Health & Safety
Sculpting and Edging Skill Sets
Electric File Basics and Advanced Training
Prepping Natural nailz with an E-file
Nail Fills with an E-file
Custom Fit Nail Extensions
Sculptured New Nails
Sculptured Fills
Nail Shaping - manual and electric file
French Nails
Solid Color Nails
Glitter Nailz
Proper Nail Structure
Lifestyle Nail Essentials
Trouble Shooting Problematic Clients
The art of gelz, paints & glitter gelz.
Client Follow-Up and Retention


These topics and more are covered in the following format:

  • Intro to Nailz 101 – Online Course  or One-on-One + Hands on Practice + Practicum + Guided Mentorship & Correspondence with your Instructor
  • Intro to Nailz 102 – Online Course  or One-on-One + Hands on Practice + Practicum + Guided Mentorship & Correspondence with your Instructor
  • Intro to Nailz 103 – Online Course  or One-on-One + Hands on Practice + Practicum + Guided Mentorship & Correspondence with your Instructor
  • Intro to Nailz 104 – Online Course  or One-on-One + Hands on Practice + Practicum + Guided Mentorship & Correspondence with your Instructor

Models are required for IN CLASS training sessions.
Customers are required for AT HOME / SALON Practicum.

Associates must submit a minimum of 30 nail service case studies over the course of the program. Ongoing classes and coaching ensures associates are progressively implementing their skills training in a manner which is effectively building their new and repeat clientele.
Once Intro Associates have demonstrated these core competencies they are ready to complete the

  • Intro Associate Written and Practical Exams & Full Certification

Nail Innovationz Associates Start Building their Client Base DURING their program.
80% of Graduates have an established full or part time clientele at the time of their Graduation from the Program.
80% of Graduates are still operating their nail businesses 5-20 years after graduating.


Gold Kit Includes:

The tuition portion of the Ni Gold Intro Course is only $1199 for the 6-9 month program!  The rest of the cost reflects your investment in the supplies & equipment for your nail biz as seen below!

* Computer not Included

Essential Nail Technology Manual

$3999.00 “Gold Level” TRAINING + PRODUCT (Desk Top Vent) ($8400 VALUE)
Nail Innovationz  Master Nail Course

- 20 Hours of In Class Time

- Exams & Certification

- Access to the Ni Nailnerdz Network Online Community for 24/7 Access to Peer Support

Essential Nail Technology Manual

Erica’s MT20 Nail Machine

Erica’s Mandrel

Arbor Bandz

Erica’s Medium Cross Cut Bit

Erica’s Diamond Cone Bit

Erica’s Cleaning Bit

Erica’s Diamond Hand File

Desk Top Vent

2 Professional Full Hand 36 Watt UV Lamps

Daylight Eyestrain Reducing Desk Light

NI Cleanzer 1L

Brush Holder

PreEmpt RTU 1L

PreEmpt CS20 1L

Sterilizer Tray

Vinyl Manicure Pad

Manicure Pad Towelz


Ni Master Nail Course 25g Gel Pack
Regular Price $837.07 – SAVE 50% in this pkg

Products Included:

- Tranzition     - Infatuazion  - Formazion

- Conneczion  - Adhezion      - Dehydrazion

- Pink FoundaZion    - Clear FoundaZion

- Nude Extenzion       - Crizp White

- Fazt White    - Sheer Brillianze       - Smile Tile

- Ni Addiction -  Eclipze        - Shiny Shade

- Plastic Pump           - Ni Formz      - Ni Shimz

- Wipes            - 1L Cleanzer

- Ni Brushez Adhezion / Conneczion / DehydraZion

- Ni Brush Master Speed Sculptor

$150 Pak FREEMaster Course Accessory Pack

- Smile Detail Brush, Dust Remover Brush, Buffer, 50pak disposable filez,

- Isagel 115ml, Cuticle Implement, Cuticle Softener, Cuticle Oil

- Manicure Scissors, E-file bit storage jar, Nail Glue,

- Thymol, Allpresan #7 Tincture Spray

$1400 Ni’z Virtual Online Tutor FREE
– 40+ Online Modulez guide you between classez
$3,000 in Coaching Servicez FREE
- 40-60 Hours of in between class coaching on:

- marketing to get clients $300 Value

- pricing strategies $300 value

- scheduling $300 value

- setting up shop $300 Value

- troubleshooting new nails $350 value

- trouble shooting fillz $350 value

- customer service $300 Value

- infection control $300 value

- personal & professional development $300 value

$250 Class FREE – Online Brush Up Class 6-12 months after complete your course for Continuing Education & Development


Intro Associates to our nail program are of utmost importance to us.  We'd love an opportunity to personally handle your enrollment into one of our Ni Courses.  For this option, please contact us via E-mail at or by phone at 1-877-969-4666.

Gold Course Package $3999, with a total of $4400 in FREE Products, Classez, Training, & Coaching Servicez- when purchased as a complete package