Course Suppliez


Nail Innovationz offers a range of Course Supply Optionz.  We want the best for our Intro Associates! We have observed that greater investment into training, supplies & toolz has resulted in greater success rates among Ni Intro Associates in their first few years of bizness.  Therefore, the greater investment an Intro Associates put forth into their course, the greater Ni invests into our Intro Associate by offering generous discounts on the following packages.

The savings on the following packages (and a few other variations of the package combinations below) range from $1000 to $2000 off the overall price:

  1. “Basic Starter” ONE on ONE + ONLINE TRAINING + PRODUCT (Budget Dust Vent).
  2. “Career Pak” ONE on ONE + ONLINE TRAINING + PRODUCT + VENT (Eat My Dust).
  3. “Serious Bizness” ONE on ONE + ONLINE TRAINING + PRODUCT + DESK/VENT.


Artisanz Accessory Essentialz - Boozt Ur Biz Appeal with added nail art essentials to increase your servicez menu